Clean Energy & Pacific Islands Experience


PCEP principals have implemented numerous clean energy projects in the Pacific Islands and other regions. 
Representative examples include:


Energy Efficiency

In collaboration with local utilities and other partners around the world, carried out projects resulting in the investment of more than $500 million in energy efficiency measures, equipment, and appliances in residential, municipal, and commercial buildings; urban infrastructure including water facilities and street lighting; and colleges and schools.


Solar Energy

Installed or helped develop photovoltaic solar system projects in Asia, Latin America and the United States, including large PV projects from 720 kW to 12 MW. A PCEP principal is currently working with a Pacific Island country to cost-effectively double the number of its inhabited islands served with power, by establishing a competitive procurement process, land acquisition, and concession agreements for mini-grid PV hybrid generation on several islands.


Energy-Water Projects

Developed, financed and implemented energy and water efficiency projects at water utilities and wastewater treatment plants in North America, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. PCEP’s partner, JK Muir, is a leader in energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions for water facilities.


Wind Projects

Developed, financed and constructed a 24 MW wind farm in Costa Rica, using 750 kW NEG Micon wind turbines, under a power contract with Costa Rica’s electrical utility (ICE).

Developed a 300 MW wind project in Sri Lanka. This included oversight of EPC construction and operations contracts for Phase I, and power purchase contracts for Phase II, while advising on regulatory, procurement, and operations and management issues.


Hydroelectric Facilities

Developed, financed and constructed 14 MW, 17 MW, and 14 MW hydroelectric projects in Costa Rica and Guatemala, and set up power contracts with the country’s utilities.


Renewable Power and Cogeneration

Set up Indonesia’s first procurement process to acquire renewable energy IPP generation and spur industrial cogeneration development as a component of more efficient energy use.



Assessed the regulatory and institutional obstacles and financial capability for advancing RE and EE investments in Fiji, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, and Papua New Guinea. Drafted the most recent in-depth assessment of strategic options to leverage private sector incentives in these four Pacific Island countries.


Advised on revisions to the Vietnam legal system and all laws and regulations relevant to RE investment, energy, environmental requirements, local approvals, and national energy development and sales, in order to adapt the Vietnam system of laws to facilitate private international RE/EE investment.