ROBERT MCGRORY  is the Director of Administration for Pacific Clean Energy Partners. He brings to the position more than 30 years of experience managing complex entities, including towns and cities, companies, and non-profit organizations. 

Robert has served as the chief executive officer (i.e., Town Administrator, City Manager) of three U.S. municipalities, with responsibility for a broad range of financial, infrastructure, and economic development planning and implementation activities. His areas of expertise include energy efficiency and renewable energy planning and financing; budgeting and financing; zoning, land use, and commercial regulation; solid waste, water, and wastewater treatment and disposal; and public outreach and communications. 

As a consultant with the International City/County Management Association (ICMA), Robert has advised local governments in the Tanzanian regions of Zanzibar, Iringa, Mbeya, and Morogoro on local governance actions to promote private sector enterprise. As part of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)'s Feed the Future program in collaboration with the Tanzanian government, he worked on the Enabling Growth through Investment and Enterprise (ENGINE) project to build capacity for private and public sector collaboration and foster the development of a sustainable market for business development in Tanzania.

Robert also manages a consulting business and has served on the Boards of Directors of local non-profit organizations. He attended Yale University and George Mason University and is a Graduate Fellow of the Academy for Excellence in Local Governance. He is also trained as a Qualified Project Manager.